First, it is essential to know the origin of the term
"Engineering". This word
has its origin from Latin: "ingenium", which refers to the natural capacity of the human being,
or the innate qualities of a thing.
Nevertheless, ingenium
also refers to the intelligence, or talent
and inventiveness. In this way, the current conception that the engineer is a
person dedicated to the creation of technological solutions in order to respond to the needs of
society is understood.
The Royal Academy of
the Spanish Language defines Engineering as:
Study and application, by specialists,
of the various topics of technology.
Professional activity of the engineer.

Through conversations, interviews, meetings
and various professional jobs with a considerable number of engineers who currently work in national
and international companies, or carry out their professional work independently, without forgetting
those engineers who are dedicated to research and teaching engineering in public and private institutions
in Mexico. I have found various answers to the question that we all once asked ourselves: